SpinPerfect Broken 3D Printed Parts Policy
If you accidentally damage any 3D printed SpinPerfect product, we will replace it for the cost of shipping a replacement part to you. Cost of round-trip shipping is the customer’s responsibility. The part itself will be free of charge.
Ship the broken parts to us so we can learn from the breakage and consider how to prevent this from happening in the future. We will replace it regardless of how it broke - if your dog ate it, or it fell over, or you ran over it with your car - we will replace the broken part. Our goal is to continually improve our product line, and we look at each broken part carefully to see if there's a way we can reinforce or improve the design to prevent it from happening again.
Mike Pauly, SpinPerfect Replacements
196 Hawkins Road Winlock, WA, 98596
Please include your name, phone number, return address, and how the part broke in a note in your shipment.
Replacement parts ship within 1-2 weeks of receipt.